Italy Celebrates Its 150th Anniversary

by Irene Schiff

Unity or parochialism?

150 years. Does she wear it well? Does she need a lifting? Does everything need to be redone? We are talking about Italy, a young nation and yet with such a glorious past that few other nations can compete with her. Then the story went on; dark periods alternated with others of great splendour, periods in which people of this country felt close to each other and others where sectarianism prevailed. Even our daily life has changed: we are healthier, even if the deadly cancer and cardiovascular diseases have increased, we live longer. We are now literate and much more cultivated, even if numerous children are convinced that chickens have four legs. Families have changed: from patriarchal families, "extended" because full of adults and children, to extended because they are now blended with stepfamilies. From the hard work performed by muscular strength, to the efforts exerted into thinking about what buttons to invent and press. From travelling great distances with little means, to compensating with machines in gyms for the lack of physical efforts. There are few differences among Italians in relation to this, but for other ideologies there are differences. We are more individualistic, protecting the frontiers of our mind, jealous of our geographical borders, bound to what unites us and divides us or are we instead observing a sense of common belonging? In search of ties or protecting one's own traditions; outward-looking attitude or mistrustfulness towards those who do not think the same way? Unity or parochialism? This test certainly has no intention of raising philosophical or political matters; it simply calls for a little introspection. There could also be a third option: to be neutral or even indifferent.
Winston Churchill said: "Italians lose wars as if they were football matches and football matches as if they were wars". Do we feel united only when the Italian soccer team is playing? To you, Italy is made up of 11 men in shorts or of 60 million men and women?

Test: what king of patriot are you?

1) I would like to know
a) how to ride a horse
b) how to pilot an airplane
c) how to do fencing

2) The horse race held in Siena is a source
a) of joy
b) of money
c) of confusion

3) A person is honest when
a) he or she respects the law
b) he or she follows his or her own conscience
c) he or she wants to assert his or her own rights

4) A new neighbour does not see anyone
a) he does not interest you
b) you think: he is very reserved
c) you think: he is a suspicious type of person

5) You hear the words: "to recommend"; you think about
a) a favour someone is asking
b) entrusting someone into the care of somebody else
c) registered mail

6) About religions:
a) you need to know a bit about all of them
b) it is necessary to know well the one you practice
c) it would be better if they did not exist

7) Some people are teasing you
a) you play along
b) you get annoyed
c) you tease them too

8) A pleasant Sunday is
a) an excursion in another city
b) a bicycle ride with someone else
c) eating out and dancing

9) When people have different ideas than you
a) you avoid talking to them
b) you like to confront them
c) if the occasion arises, you exchange a few words

10) Who would you like to interview?
a) Napoleon
b) the mayor of your city
c) the winner of a Nobel prize

11) You travel outside of the country: in the touristic destination you chose, you find another comfortable lodging and new places to see
a) you stick with your plans
b) you give up your travelling plans and stay put in the new lodging
c) you give up the comfort for further travels

12) Concerning the future
a) what will be will be
b) you are optimistic
c) you are pessimistic

13) The universal language is
a) music
b) computer science
c) English

14) A weekend that does not thrill you is
a) an excursion in an off-road vehicle
b) a hike up a mountain at minus 15 degrees
c) when everything goes wrong

15) A friend of yours often changes his car; you think
a) it's find to try quite a few
b) he is always exaggerating
c) he is the undecided type

Question A B C

Question A B C
1) 2 3 1
2) 1 2 3
3) 3 2 1
4) 2 3 1
5) 2 1 3
6) 3 1 2
7) 3 2 1
8) 3 2 1
9) 1 3 2
10) 2 1 3
11) 2 1 3
12) 2 3 1
13) 1 3 2
14) 3 2 1
15) 3 2 1


You feel the notion of unification in your blood and not only in regards to the nation. When you think unification you think of Europe as well as Italy and you would like to imagine some sort of unity in the whole world. You like to learn about people and new customs, you like to innovate and renovate. To you, borders are meant to be surpassed, they are not a place of arrival, but rather a point of departure.

ITALY HAS BEEN MADE, NOW IT REMAINS TO MAKE ITALIANS (D'AZEGLIO) About the idea of a united Italy, you are neither favourable nor unfavourable. You think that despite the 150 years, the road towards the consideration of Italians as one single people has not ended. You listen to the various arguments, those in favour and those that are not. Sometimes, immersed or submerged in your thoughts, you think this is not at all a problem or, at least, not one of yours.

ITALY IS NOTHING MORE THAN A GEOGRAPHIC EXPRESSION (METTERNICH) You think that people in the various regions of Italy have their own roots and ways of thinking and you believe it must remain this way. You give a lot of importance to the protection of traditions, to the history of your city or your country. You like to get involved in the organization of events relating to the typical aspects of your area and you are a bit uncertain in regards to change. You are convinced that tradition is important and that is why you found your own reason of being and, so, why change things?

Picture - Horse race in Siena

Image - Painting descriptive of religion

Picture - Crystal ball

Image - Goffredo Mameli

Image - Massimo D'Azeglio

Image - Klemens von Metternich

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